Please make a donation today !
Imdaad Foundation is a non-profit, apolitical, charity organization. Its operations solely depend on the voluntary donations paid by the members and general public. We do not believe in stray collection of funds as the same sometimes leads to mismanagement and corruption. We make requests to persons desirous of donating voluntarily after showing them what we do and how we do. When they are satisfied that their donations are in safe hands and is put to proper use, they are more than willing to become our donors.
We request you to have a visit of our office, even check our accounts, if you like, and then decide about the donation
You can help in many ways:
1 Undertaking to bear the expences, either fully or partially, of an orphans subsistance, clothing and education,
2 Helping a widow by monthly monitary assistance,
3 Helping a person under debt by payin his debt fully or partially,
4 Helping a poor girl in her marriage by bearing the expences of her marriage fully or partially,
5 Arranging medicine for an ailing person,
6 Arranging monthly ration for a poor family or
7 Helping build a house for a houseless family.
You can do all the above charity acts all by yourselves under your supervision and we can identify the needy persons. Or, if you have faith in us, we can do it for you while you fund the job.
You can send your donations directly into our J&K bank account SB-(Nawakadal)-18003 or to our office against proper reciept.
Note: WE DO NOT ACCEPT FORIEGN DONATIONS (Donations within India are accepted only)